EAA 2021 Social Events

Dear EAA member,

We offer some relaxing yoga and pilates sessions during congress breaks. Join in alone or with your colleagues to benefit from these exercises to stay more focused during our events!

EAA ARC Desk and Lounge

Come to the EAA Lounge to meet the Accounting Resource Centre (ARC) colleagues at the ARC Desk. We are there to answer any questions you may have about our platform. We are also there to take your name should you wish to respond to the EAA Get Involved! initiative.

In this Zoom meeting we also offer the possibility to “book” a private room for a maximum of one hour at a time.  In the in-person setting, you would take a break from the program to talk with co-authors, catchup with old friends, debrief about the presentation, etc. In this year's setting, come to this online space and the ARC colleagues will assign you a private breakout room where you can have a private conversation.

In addition, we have planned the following events:

Wednesday, 26 May 2021 - 17:00-18:00 CEST

Hopwood awards cermony 

Come and join us in congratulating the awardees of 2019 & 2020!


Thursday, 27 May 2021 - 17:00-18:00 CEST

EAA in the Mix 

We take lifelong learning seriously! Join us to learn how to mix the personalized EAA Congress 2021 cocktail, in alcoholic and virgin versions, from a GOAT Chelsea mixologist (https://goatchelsea.com/). The list of ingredients that you need to procure is short and simple, we promise! 

Please see below the ingredients for the Santa Fe cocktail. 

Santa Fe

50ml tequila

1 lime

25ml pineapple juice

1 egg (or aquafaba if vegan)

1 chilli pepper (if you like spice!)

Smokey whiskey (only if you have some in the cupboard already - we will use a few teaspoons)

15ml sugar syrup (mix equal parts castor sugar and water)

1  whole nutmeg and grater


Santa Fe non-alcoholic

50ml Mockingbird Spirit

1 lime

25ml pineapple juice

1 egg (or aquafaba if vegan or pregnant)

1 chilli pepper (if you like spice!)

15ml sugar syrup (mix equal parts castor and water)

1 whole nutmeg and grater

EAA Hidden Talents

Curious about what talents might be hidden in the EAA community? Join us with your cocktail in hand as we spotlight recorded performances by your colleagues. There will be polling, chatting, awards to "take home", and a good time all around!


Friday, 28 May 2021 - 12:30-13:30 CEST

Best paper and best reviewer awards ceremony

Please join us in congratulating the recipients of the European Accounting Association awards for 2021.